Building a Better Economy
The Nova Scotia Co-operative Council is pleased to have been a supporter and investor in the production of this film The intent of this video is to stimulate thought among co-operative members, leaders and managers and the general public about the economic and environmental challenges that lie ahead and what [...]
Employment Position Available
Youth Program Coordinator Position: Program Coordinator Contract: May 1/23 – September 15/23 Location: Bridgewater (1) The Program The Career Rising program is an exciting opportunity offered to youth age 15 – 19 years living in several rural communities across Nova Scotia. The program runs through a partnership between Nova Scotia Co-operative Council and [...]
Michael Creagen awarded the “Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee” Medal
In January 2022, our photographer Michael Creagen was awarded the "Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee" Medal by Lt. Governor Arthur LeBlanc, for his service to the Crown and contribution to the Arts in Nova Scotia. The medal was awarded to a select few Nova Scotians who have made a significant [...]
Chris Hadfield to Headline NS Co-op Council Celebration
February 7, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Chris Hadfield to Headline NS Co-op Council Celebration Mt. Everest climber and co-op social media guru will share stage at June 25 event TRURO – The Nova Scotia Co-operative Council is proud to announce Chris Hadfield as keynote speaker for its 65th anniversary celebration, No [...]